Sunday, 17 March 2013

Saturday 17th March 2013

South Africa.

7th March 2013
Arrived in Johannesburg. The van is on its way. We tracked the ship this morning and it is well on track to arrive on Sunday evening.  We now have words from the shipping agents that Santander have finally managed to transfer the money to pay them, so they will release the necessary paper work.

On Monday we will travel to Durban to find out how quickly (or not) we can get our van.

Before we go into detail about our onward plans it seems appropriate to just review the trip so far. We have done very little classic tourism. This is partly because much of our attention has been directed to just getting about and the belief that this kind of travel is about ‘being there’.

When we passed through France and Spain we saw lots of evidence, especially in Spain of great developments during the ‘economic boom’ that had been halted. This continued into Morocco where it was still plain to see and became less pronounced as we continued through more impoverished countries.

It seems to be that as we have moved further away from the better off and arguably more sophisticated countries we were more likely to encounter people who were more interested in the stranger and often displayed great kindness and generosity. 

We have visited places where people struggle to find a living. We have seen the gulf between rich and poor expand and contract in different places. We have met people who are against all odds are trying hard to make a difference where it really needs to be made. We’ve seen countries where the government simply fails to meet the needs of their people as well as in places where the people are driving the government to make changes.

We have made the personal acquaintance of people as poor as church mice, but would still unconditionally give you their last ‘rollo’ if it were needed.

Our patience has been tried to extremes by petty officials and bureaucracy. We’ve been frustrated by the inability to get things done or get done the way we want them done. This is often accompanied by a shrug of the shoulder, a sigh and the phrase “Ah this is Africa” - sometimes used as an explanation and other times as an excuse.

We have visited places that are dominated by the sight of numerous Big White Toyotas of the UN, major NGOs and many charities. These are such a controversial symbol of Foreign Aid – often we question the fact that the cost of providing fleets of Toyota 4X4s and some of the seriously plush accommodation for the foreign workers could fund another ‘water, food or health’ project in a village for longer – let’s not get started on this……. 

Ping and myself have spent many hours over the scrabble set discussing the pros and cons of foreign aid – who benefits more, the provider or the receiver? The more we discussed / argue, it seems that there is not going to be a right answer. We've been forced to reconsider again and again, our views on the right kind of aid and foreign intervention, some we see are misguided and some really creating positive change. 

We have met people, some motivated by religion and others by humanitarian desire, all working hard, some for little or no pay in order to make a difference to people who live in great hardship. It may seem like we are criticising how or what they are doing  but, whatever views may prevail there is one important feature in all of them, and that is they all have a desire to a greater or lesser degree to make the world a better place. We will never criticise that. We continue to learn alot about ourselves, the people we meet and the difference between frustration (eg because the air conditioning is not working) and desperation and despair. To us everyday is a school day!

We have all heard of talk of forests being destroyed at a rate of an area the size of Belgium each year; you know the kind of thing.
Does anybody know how big Belgium is? I don’t.

One time rich deep rain forest
Driving through Cote d’Ivore was a bit of an eye opener, most of the landscape is savanna grassland, vast areas of what was once dense rain forest, thousands of years old were gone and with it, the habitat of much of its wildlife. A feature of much of West Africa is the absence of wildlife not just the interesting stuff, but simply the absence of wild life! I withhold comment but that was what we saw (or did not see).

African cultures:
We were lucky to participate in some great music especially in Senegal and we have been kept awake by drumming which can sometimes go on for long periods. It can be very exciting but can also keep you awake. 

We have seen innumerable wooden carvings which are everywhere. Some are, frankly poor quality tourist trash and some have been breathtakingly beautiful.

I am building up to the most bizarre piece of art of all.
On our last day in Ghana, so I was unable to include this in the last offering, we were taken to an art gallery.

There were a lot of exhibits of all kinds but far and away the strangest of all was a display of coffins!  Not just any old coffins, but these are wildly special.  As you will see they are modeled to represent everyday items that reflect the deceased person.These are not meant to be comic or lighthearted they are intended to reflect and to celebrate features and aspects of the life of the departed. Take a look and judge for yourself.

Its not the cough that carries you off its the coffin they carry you off in.
Everything  on the top floor is a coffin and you can get your phone topped up or get your fridge mended downstairs.

Was it worth it?
So after all of the frustration, disappointment and sometimes sheer hard work, has it all been worth it?  Oh yes! it has been worth every moment. We have been permitted to visit the lives of others not to change anything just to have a look, for no greater purpose than our own fulfillmentThank you West Africa we are really glad to have met you!
  • We have met some remarkable fellow travellers who have touched our lives
  • Bikers pushing their motorcycle on, sometimes to the limit just  for the enjoyment of it
  •  Adventurers pushing their 4x4 cars to the limit just because they can
  • Other overlanders all travelling their own way in their own time
  •  Extraordinary travellers riding pushbikes from Dublin and Poland all across Africa. A special message to Oliver and Dermot “Don’t give up on your extraordinary odyssey! Hope you manage to catch up with us some time”.

Dublin2Cape town

From each and all of these people we have learnt so much.
There are people, expats, who have offered us extraordinary hospitality, support and assistance who for a variety of reasons do not wish to be mentioned here but who must be acknowledged and thanked just the same. You know who you are. Thank you.

This might sound a bit like the end credits. Not so, but this has been such a period of challenge and reward that it seems important to have a round up at this major juncture.
Despite innumerable punctures and one significant mechanical problem, our van has performed very well sometimes in punishing circumstances.

10th March 2013
Sometimes it is necessary to report contemporaneously here. As I write I have just flipped over to look at the vessel tracking thing. I looked about 12 hours ago and the ship was just passing Port Elizabeth. Now I look again and see that not only has it made good progress but it has bypassed Durban and sailed on to Maputo. This is Sunday evening and there is nothing to do until the morning but it is seriously looking like our van is in Mozambique, which is a bit of a concern. And there is nothing to do but to carry on with our blog!

Shoestring Lodge
We are in Jo’burg it is very nice here and we are staying in an extraordinary place called the shoestring lodge. It is an inexpensive Hotel type place run by a really nice family. The place needs a full description, which would make the Hotel Inspector turn pale.  However once again, having settled in and started to get to know the owners, I feel this place is an absolute gem!

Breakfast at Shoestrings

Once a large family home built in a rather grandiose Mediterranean style, the original owner had decorated the whole place and its grounds with statues and artworks from an age just gone by. For the last 18 years it has remained largely unchanged and run as a backpackers hostel/hotel by Rob Hicks and his wife, Thabitha.

This quirky and rambling residence does kind of defy description. It has a lovely huge garden full of exotic birds, traditional African out buildings and a fleet of minibuses that are parked here.
Nothing in the place is new by any means. Much of it has seen better days but don’t be misled, it is so hard to say why but this is quite the nicest place that we have stayed in ever. Rob, the owner will pick you up from the airport and from what I have seen, at pretty much any time. He does not ever grumble. Nothing seems to be too much trouble.  The place is not so much a diamond in the rough, much more the very nicest ‘Mushroom’ you have ever tasted. We have now been here 4 days and feel very comfortable, we come and go as we please and if we need to go shopping or other small errands then Rob is usually willing to fit it in with one of his numerous trips to the mall or the airport. 

More about Shoestring lodge later. We will return there as we have been told that once we get the van back we are welcome to camp here and to do the various repairs and servicing that we need to do. I just know it will be a pleasure to return.

I have to interrupt this entry further to say that while I have been writing Ping has phoned Dickson from the shipping agents in Ghana. It is Sunday evening, and without a trace of complaint he has phoned the shipping company who say that it is still ahead of time and assures us that it will be returning to Durban on Wednesday.

Rob has just booked us on a bus which specialises in catering for backpackers and will take us to Durban on Wednesday.

Thursday 15th March 2013
We are now in Durban having had an 8 hour bus journey yesterday through stunning countryside. The bus dropped us outside our hotel which we chose as it is close to the docks.

Last night we tracked the ship as it approached Durban. This morning we awoke to check again to find that not only had it berthed during the night, but also the map was sufficiently detailed, that it showed the berth and our hotel.

'Sittin on the dock of the bay whatchin the ships roll in'

I rushed to the window and looked out and there it was. I have a picture to prove it.  We were both very excited and we walked down to the docks found the ship, took some more pictures and while I took them Ping spotted our van sitting in the car park nearby!

That's our van!

We really are thrilled.  I phone the clearing agents to find that far from our assumption, their office is not in the docks but is actually 30 km away across town. How inconvenient!

Any how the clearing process has begun and the agents seem again to be really helpful. They do say that it will probably be cleared by Monday which of course means we will be here for a few more days.  But really we have nothing to complain about,
Flushed with our surprise and excitement of all this we went and took a long walk in the city.

The central area that we walked around was very interesting with a combination of architectural styles that, while smaller in scale, rivals many other cities that I have seen.Some modern buildings sit comfortably alongside art deco blocks and a city hall that I can only describe in my ignorance, as baroque, very beautiful. Lots of interesting shops and very very busy.

The magnificent City Hall Durban

We then walked back to the hotel, taking in the magnificent beach and a really interesting block of restaurants and tourist shops. I accept that any seaside resort has to have a pier or an esplanade on which they sell whatever the equivalent is of rock and ‘kiss me quick’ hats.  This was the best I have seen the shops were interesting and the restaurants nice and a good choice.

We ended our day with Ice cream and coffee. I had a large Bubblegum flavoured double thick milk shake. It was about a litre of ice cream with a marshmallow on the top and I am ashamed to say that I just could not manage to eat the marshmallow.

Friday 16th March 2013

We need to get our van cleared from the port by this afternoon or we will have to stay in a hotel for at least three more days. Our non existent hotel budget is  being stretched considerably. This whole shipping business has really tested us out, financially speaking.

The day started with a call from the shipping agent to say that he is working on our case. Rather disturbingly a while later we got a call from another person asking, actually for the fourth time, if I knew where our customs indemnity (carnet) document is. So for the fourth time I explained that I have it but I am only 10 minutes walk from the customs building and I will bring it. By now it was heading for midday and I realised that this enquiry meant that they had so far failed to make an appointment to clear the van. The agent had already said that they need 48 hours to make an appointment.  Going into the weekend not only meant that we would have to pay for accommodation, but also the dreaded storage charges would kick in.  

What really happened above all was that we both switched from the excitement we experienced at seeing our van locked in a car park to something close to panic and a need to take charge of events.

We went immediately to the Customs office. I confess I was really expecting a kind of blind bureaucratic response to our woes.  Far from it, an officer, a dog handler as it happens, sensing our distress, offered to help. It was once again an act of unexpected kindness, he heard our tale and he explained that they have the 48hour rule in order to manage their backlog, but not to worry “I’ll get the boss out so he can help you”, which he did. The boss said, “no problem we can fit you in”, and he then set about finding out who the ‘Cargo agent’ is. We keep learning the new language of the secret society that is the ‘world of the docks’, the upshot of all this is that suddenly everyone kicked into gear and the cargo agent ‘Lucien’ was helpful, pleasant and professional.

I almost run out of adjectives to describe his qualities. He rounded up a tame customs man who he knew would be helpful. It seems odd but I got the impression that he was off duty and out shopping at the time. He was in civvies and was wearing sandals. This also posed problems later when he was not allowed into and area without safety shoes. “It’s more than my jobsworth” said the guard. Once we realised that he really was not kidding, Lucian, like a magician produced not one but two pairs of safety shoes, so I was able to go in as well. I spent the afternoon doing the rounds with Lucien and others getting all the paperwork  done and all the clearances completed.

Lucien now a proud member of our hall of fame 

Meanwhile Ping was sitting in the reception at the customs office.  As it now turns out the guys at the clearing agency were responding magnificently to being berated by Ping (God it makes a nice change to  have somebody else to be getting this treatment!) they were actually moving heaven and earth to get all their procedures completed.

At 5 pm we rolled out of the dockyard in our van!

finally moving on

Our thanks go to all of the people involved sorry if we got a bit upset. Most especially to Rishaad and his team whom we did not meet in person. Really good job guys!

Once again, completely knackered we returned to our hotel locked the van in their garage for the night. We went and had a lovely meal followed by ice cream and for me a rather smaller milkshake, this time with no marshmallow. 

And so to bed………

Now look all you lovely readers. We love that we have so many readers. It is truly astonishing how many people are looking at our ramblings. Although we are getting some emails telling us about what is happening to you, we would certainly love to hear from more of you, please keep the emails coming.

By the way if it ever appears that we gloating over the weather Be assured that we really are aware how truly awful it has been in Britain over the winter.

Love you all

By the way. We are unable to reply to  people who comment on the blog. We would like to it won’t let us. So drop us an email and you will get a reply.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

6th March 2013

Souvenir from Ghana.

Root canal treatment!

When we were on our way to Abidjan to get a Ghana visa, I felt as if someone had fired about 300volts through one of my teeth, it really stopped me in my tracks. I recovered and felt that this was an emergency waiting its opportunity. I decided that as soon as we got to Ghana I would make this my priority.

Arriving at the Ghana border was a surprisingly pleasant experience particularly as everyone spoke English. The first official greeted us with a cheery ‘Hellooo dehr!” We got through in record time. We moved on but not without another 300volt through my tooth. Wow!

We found a place that was happy for us to camp on the football field of the hotel. Nothing was too much trouble and it was such a beautiful spot right alongside the beach. It was such a treat to stay at a hotel that was a bit ‘up market’ and they didn’t mind us at all. The only real worry was when I noticed that we had parked right behind the archery target. We had a very nice time in such a beautiful location but then we had to keep moving, being very aware that shipping arrangements had the potential to exceed our visa duration.

        Driving to our new home behind the archery target

As Ping said in her blog, we had met some very interesting and nice people.  Actually, as we were about to leave we met, almost in passing, with a family who have just been posted to work in West Africa, based in Ghana. Within a few moments of meeting we discovered that I had met his father who used to be a policeman in Brent where I once worked. It was a pleasant and interesting meeting and we were invited to lunch at their home in Accra. So a few days later we spent the day in a real house with a real family in it, so nice to be ‘normal’ for a while. It was a lovely day.

Countless slaves were driven into great dungeons before being transported to he Carribean, America and by far the greatest numbers to Brazil. No one has any idea how many!

We drove though the tropical countryside of Southern Ghana. We stopped in a town called Cape Coast which is the one time centre of the Slave trade. We had a guided tour of the fort where the slaves were kept after being traded until the ships arrived to take them to distant lands, having been crammed into squalid dungeons under threat of death and worse.  I cannot make this entry a detailed history of this wicked business. Suffice to say this visit was both moving and real. The museum and fort with its dungeons do what they can to ensure that this evil is never forgotten.
                                          Ah so many tropical beaches.
We stayed overnight not too far away and had another odd hotel camping experience. We arrived at a hotel again on the beach. Yes they were happy for us to camp it would cost 20 Ghana cedis (about £7) which seemed reasonable. We were shown to drive into an area of soft sand so we got bogged down once again. The facilities were at best basic and it became pretty clear that the boss was away. We had a meal there that turned out not only to be the most expensive chicken and chips but also possibly the worst.

We were about to go to bed when a member of staff came to us and said that they had mistakenly charged us in local currency when it should have been in US dollars. Wow $20, a bit pricey but oh well.
Then the next morning as Ping came out of the toilet she was ambushed by a member of staff who told her that they had mistaken the charges it should actually be $20per person so would we please cough up some more money. Blow that for a game of soldiers we just packed up and left. Needless to say there was no receipt or paperwork.

Ghana is an interesting country it is not all laughs and we understand much more of what we experience. The cost of living is growing almost out of control. There is an unfathomable mix of lots of international aid coming in as well as a lot of squabbling over who might benefit from the new oil revenue that is coming in. The infrastructure is in a poor state though it is developing. It is not my intention to criticise only to report what I see.

Having said that, one thing that urgently needs to be worked on is the untearable
toilet paper.  Full of reassuring perforations the toilet paper in this country is absolutely untearable causing all manner of frustration and difficulty.  It just rolls and rolls and if you apply some tension the strip lengthens, those little perforations enlarge and elongate but they never actually tear. My tip to other travellers is ‘never go to the bog without scissors’.

Most of our travelling has been in the Southern (coastal) part of Ghana which is mostly lush, green tropical landscape but indescribably hot and humid.  I just want the sweating to stop!

Talking of sweating…… You may recall that I mentioned that I was having a small dental issue, having had 300 volts passing through my tooth a couple more times. Each time this happened, it came out of the blue and I had to sit down and sweat for a few minutes as it was such intense, severe pain.

So I contacted the High commission and they sent me a list of dentists. I also spoke to our new friend from the first hotel who recommended a dentist who happened to be at the top of the list. I called him he was happy to see me that afternoon. We arrived, I was seen straight away by  a man who will now be referred to as Dennis the Dentist he stuck me in the chair and examined the tooth by tapping it with a hammer and sending 300 volts through it! He took Xrays and showed me what the problem was. I wish that I had the presence of mind to have got the xray to put on the blog and then you would , like me be able to see exactly what was happening. It was perfectly clear that any day now the the hole would be clear through and my nerve would be looking at the stars, I sweat at the very thought. Anyhow the upshot was that Dennis was talking about 3 sessions, but he was really good and quite free with the local anaesthetic. I was very good. He then decided that he would do the whole thing in 1 sitting. I was in the chair for about 2  hours  At the end I was completely rinsed and numb and unable to speak and had to drive an hour in heavy Accra traffic back to our campsite. Dennis, the dentist was very good and as I wobbled out of the chair he administered the the coup de gras with his bill. Another 300volt, this time through my wallet.

Following the last blog, many have written to ask why we are shipping the van.
 We have had to seek alternative routes due to the recent conflicts in Mali, concerns about driving through Nigeria and the impossibility of getting a visa for Angola. We decided that it would be best to ship from Ghana(English speaking) to Namibia.

We should have liked to do more touring further north but we have been quite preoccupied with concerns that shipping our van may get complicated. So we made our way to Ghana’s main port - Tema.  Remember the Mary Hopkin song? ‘Sing a song of Tema Harbour’ giant lemon trees coconut groves and cooking fish on the beach.  Well it’s nothing like that. It is a very busy commercial port. Not too much charm or romance.

The book that has given us so much valuable information all the way so far is the Overland handbook. Thanks to Chris Scott for such a comprehensive and helpful guide. In this book is a chapter describing all the things that can and often will go wrong in the process of shipping.  It scared the willies out of both of us.

I mentioned earlier that we met some nice and interesting people. While we were camped by the archery target, a pleasant couple walked by looked at us and the bloke said ‘is that really an English registered van?’ So we got talking and two things emerged. The first and most important is that they are very nice and interesting people with a lot of common interests. The second is that Conrad works for a man who owns a shipping business and most of Tema harbour. Conrad kindly arranged for us to be well looked after by the company which is based in Tema.

The upshot of this introduction is that the helpful team in this company have arranged the shipping. Despite my creative measuring it is simply not possible to get the van into a container and to use a container known as an open rack would cost significantly more, perhaps twice as much. The port for Namibia, Walvis Bay only handles container cargo. The team then set about finding an alternative. Very quickly they found a ship that only carries vehicles on a roll on roll off basis would dock soon at Tema. It was bound for Durban and had space.  A decision made and a quote was organised. And we were set.

                         Francis, the hero of the hour.
We first  went to see them on the Wednesday that we arrived and on the following Wednesday we were getting the customs document (Carnet de Passage) signed off by a charming lady customs officer. We handed the key over to Francis the incredibly helpful man from the shipping agency, so he could drive it onto the ship and he called us a cab to take us back to Accra.

We had just got back to Accra when I got a frantic call from Francis asking ‘Why have you given me the wrong key?’ He was unable to get into the van. I told him I would jump in a taxi and take the 2 hour journey back to the docks. He told me I would not make it in time for the sailing. I had to try.   In the taxi it was after many phone calls on the way that the penny dropped! I realised that due to the extreme heat over the past few days, the locks on the van had become increasingly difficult to operate. So as we sat dreadfully stressed in the 5pm rush hour going nowhere and the ship was literally waiting to depart. I told Francis that the door was not locked.
“Yes it is”, he said
“No it isn't”, I said
“Yes it is”, he said
I said over the phone, “pull hard on the handle”
“No it won’t open, it’s locked!” he said
“Pull harder” I said
“oh yeh! It’s open!”
I could hear the engine of our van start and I told the taxi driver who was quietly going psychotic with the traffic that he should turn round and take us back. Wow some kind of stress!

Despite my highly charged state, I went on the inter web thingy that night, and put in ‘MV Trapeze track’( have a look for yourself) and we watched our ship sailing out of Tema harbour and to the open sea. At this point we really didn’t know if the van had made it.

The next morning I got a call from Francis to say he had sent me an email I looked at it confirmed that the van was on the ship and he thought we might like some picture of it being loaded and they were attached. What a hero.
So shipped in record time and we had visual evidence of the van on the ship and of the ship sailing. How cool is that?
I have to thank Dickson Odei at Bollore Africa Logistics Ghana Limited | Commercial Warehouse Road, Main Harbour | P. O. Box 51 |Tema – Ghana

And all his team for a job really well done.

As I write this it is Tuesday. Our flight is booked for Johannesburg tomorrow evening.
The only real fly in the ointment at the moment is our bank arranged to transfer funds to pay for this, but have so far failed to complete the transaction. I am sure it will get done, but the shippers are very clear that they won’t release any paperwork or the van until it is transferred.

Next time anyone talks about the inefficiency of Africa  and never getting anything done, consider this; The West African owned, run and based shipping company has functioned in an efficient, friendly and effective way and got the job done  in record time.  What is the hold up now? Our bank, Santander is unable/unwilling to administer the cash transfer effectively even though the money was taken from our account last week! It’s a funny old world isn’t it?

Big Milly’s Backyard

This may be a little disjointed but to avoid confusion I have not told you about two more hotels but as they can get a bit entwined with the shipping story. So I will tell you about them separately.
Open all hours. Lovely lady had all the  hardware I needed.

As we left the rural roads of Ghana and headed into Accra we needed somewhere to stay for a few days while we sorted out the shipping and it needed to be a place where they wouldn’t mind me working on the van to prepare it for shipping.
We had read about it in several guides and a friend also recommended this place just outside Accra. It is on the beach and very good we are told.  Well, we found the signpost for the village where this hotel is located and took the road. We found ourselves once again bumping and crashing down about 7km of unmade road, past numerous business’s with names that show the piety of the owners. The one I especially liked was a sign for ‘Thank god metal works’ I found myself thinking if metal didn’t work we would probably have walked across West Africa. I digress as I was brought back down to earth. 

The metal had held out but the rubber hadn’t! Puncture number 9 I think. We’ve lost count!  This time it was no one’s fault. We had picked up a large screw along the way.  I just loved changing that wheel in the midday sun and in a village in front of an audience.

We asked for directions to Big Milly’s backyard, fully expecting more mirth but the audience said yes, it just down that track over there.  The track led between two shops and into more of the village that went on a bit and did not look anything like a road to a hotel. We asked again for Big Milly’s and had our directions confirmed. Eventually we found it at the very end of the road, it was what can only be described as an encampment  of little souvenir shops, a restaurant, a juice bar  and  some traditional style buildings. All a bit chaotic but very interesting.

We checked in and were told where to collect our buckets of water for shower and flashing (sic)the toilet. I was abit crestfallen that this place depended on water being brought in by tanker as the piped water had given up a long while ago. The delightful staff, all gave off an air of being glad to work here. This is something that is hard to find in this part of the world.  We never discovered who or what Big Milly is as the owner is a woman from Dorset called Wendy who was away at the time.

               At Big Milly's preparing the van for shipping
This place is where many volunteers and expat workers come for weekend breaks. It is easy going and there seems to something for everyone. What was especially interesting was the diversity of people that you meet here. They have come to work in Ghana from all over the world, mostly to do ‘good work’ some for religious reasons, some want to make a difference and some just thought it would be interesting to come and do something worthwhile. They all had so much to tell about what they do. Really it was never dull here.

At Big Milly’s, no one seemed to mind that we came and went, having nights elsewhere but there would be always be a welcome back smile when we return. They didn’t mind when I had to do a lot of carpentry on the van and had to spread my toys around a bit.

As our arrangements for shipping formed up, which was a bit quicker than we could have believed, it was all change for us.

The Pink Hostel, Accra
Now this is another kettle of fish altogether. We had to book this in advance so that once we had handed the van over we would have somewhere to stay. Ping booked it online and paid a deposit. A friend of ours had gone to stay there and we hoped to meet up.

           It's really not pink it's a sort of beige and white
We arrived at the Pink Hostel by taxi from Tema Port having handed our van over for shipping. (This is where it starts to link up).  On our arrival here we received a text from our friend which said “Don’t go to the Pink Hostel, they don’t have any water and will lie to you that they have. I am staying at another hotel”.

So we went up to the desk and spoke to a man who we learnt was the manager and asked him:
Q.  We heard that you are having problems with water, is that  the case?
A. Absolutely no problem
Q. I want to be clear about this. Is there any problem with getting water here?
A. It’s fine
Q. So the water is running fine? 
A. No problem let me show you the room.

Up we tramped to the room. I went straight to the bathroom to find that not only was there no water, but also one of the taps was broken off and there was no shower hose.
I am not sure but I think some of you will have heard our hearts sinking even at home in the UK.

The manager, Richard was infectiously personable, despite lying in his teeth. He assured us that water would be pumped up after 5 o’clock.  We were hot and tired and caved in. A plastic bucket of water was duly delivered and we started to settle down. It was just then that the phone rang.  It was Francis (remember Francis?) telling us that the key did not fit the van. So a few minutes later we were in a taxi with a semi hysterical cab driver in dense traffic on our way to Tema Harbour (‘Sing a song of Tema Harbour and the coconut trees. La, la,la’) stressed to a level just below spontaneous immolation. Any way you have already read about that. So let’s go back to the Pink hostel, where a more minor storm was brewing.

As we walked up the steps the lights went out!  The manager had gone home and the staff were fielding complaints from all the guests. Good news though, the water was back on. But all evening the lights came on and then went off.

We spent a night in stifling heat as the power went on and off and we sucked in cool air as the power went on and off. In the small hours, Ping went down to do battle, it transpired that for such eventualities they do have a backup generator. Oh great! So use it. We have. …. It just ran out of diesel.

Next morning after searching the internet we realised that to move hotels may not be the answer as there was no guarantee that similar issues may not arise. We were learning fast!

So instead, Ping decided that the time had come to ‘speak’ to Richard, the manager.
This involved a fair measure of emotional, psychological and indeed physical abuse. She explained, not too patiently, that managing a hotel did actually require some tangible input from the manager. She pointed out that a portion of the money paid by guests to sleep in air conditioned rooms should quite reasonably be put aside for fuel to put in the generator. She actually got her purse out and asked for a taxi so that she could go and buy the diesel with the money that she was going to pay for the room. She gently tapped poor Richard on his upper arm. This gained the approval of the staff group who had now assembled and were encouraging her to carry out more threats. Indeed her threats to speak to his mother was greeted with nods of approval all round.  Anyhow during that day, we were promised that Electricians would be called, plumbers summoned, and fuel purchased.

Despite the promises, we still had one more day of no water until it had been pumped to the top of the building, which could only happen after 5pm. The lights flashed on and off all evening and went off altogether after about 3am which meant that otherwise air conditioned rooms had no other ventilation. Absolutely stifling!

                                 Swedish friends at the Pink Hostel
Things started to improve after that, water ran all day, the power stayed on and the diesel reassuringly stood by. The relationship between Ping and poor Richard grew into something much less abusive.  I have to say he really is a quite lovely guy who is a bit of a victim of the condition labelled with the cliché ‘This is Africa’ which covers all that I have described and lots more. When we left, Richard seemed genuinely sorry to see us go and I guess we were too.

So there we have it Tonight we leave Ghana by air bound for Johannesburg. There is more to tell of our time in Ghana, but for now we have bags to pack and a plane to catch.

The usual plea. Do please drop us a line we do just love to get emails and any trivial or even dramatic news from home

We love you all!


Noel and Ping