Sunday 18 November 2012

The next day was a further contrast as we drove far down a largely unmarked track back up to the mountains. We pressed on but after a while it became clear that although our van and the Toyota Land cruiser of our friends were easily a match for the snowy track, we were in danger of going up a path where the weather may close in so we went back to a lower level and spent the night surrounded by patchy snow.

It is certainly true to say that the scenery, but most especially the gorges we have been through is truly spectacular and having been lucky enough to have visited other places such as the Grand Canyon, these parts of Morocco certainly compare well. As we drive through The Todra Gorges there is a constant flow of Coo! wow! Amazing and incredible from Ping who appears to be undergoing some kind of spiritual awakening as she takes in this beauty. By the way she also has a stinking cold which means that this stream of superlatives are punctuated by the violent sneezing and nose blowing that are peculiar to Ping. Overall it has been quite a noisy day.

We are high up in the mighty Atlas Mountains - 2300M above sea level, and it’s very, very cold at night even though it’s brilliant sunshine and warm during the day. The best bit about the van – wonderfully warm, comfortable and snug bed welcomes us at night and we are as warm as toast.

Just had a nice Tagine dinner with our friends in the gorgeous, tranquil surrounding of Lake Tislet, sitting by the warm log fire and knowing that we have to leave them tomorrow. They are off further south for more adventures, whilst we head off to Rabat to get our visas for Mauritania.

Part of this journey is along some 150 Km of mountain road that is marked on the map as being difficult or dangerous. In fact it really is both. Narrow steep winding roads up the mountains they have few safety rails and numerous lengths of unmade up surface. Apart from ourselves this road appears to be for the sole use of suicidal psychopaths. As I write I have completed that part of the journey which was truly exhausting.

Well that’s about it for now we are missing family and friends but not enough to return just yet. We would love to hear from folks so do please drop us a line and tell us the trivia and news at home. We will reply to all as soon as we get to a wifi place.

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